Why do we add images to slides? Because they are funnier!!!

Hello again! 
This time I want to show you a presentation I made to teach photosynthesis to my kids. This presentation is made with Prezi

For this presentation I have used many images that should be attributed to the author, so there they go:

Photograph by JesusLeal
Free for commercial use 
No attribution required

Photograph by PublicDomainPictures
Free for commercial use 
No attribution required

Picture by At09kg (Own work) 

By charles - Own work (Screenshot), 
Public Domain, 

Photograph by Jplenio
Free for commercial use 

I think that adding images to the slides of your presentation make it more attractive for kids and also clarify the contents and explanations. Also, pictures of real things make them link the explanation with the world that surround them.
So I do recommend to add pictures to your explanations, but, what do you think about? Do you think that it distracts kids? Do you think that is better to use pictures? Post it in comments!

See you soon!
