My bank of digital resources

Hello everyone!
Today, I want to share with you some banks of resources we can find on the Internet when we search for our projects.
There are lots of websites which offer you many resources, and people have created many useful "content curation tools". These tools are made for help us in our research of useful resources which we know there have been tested before with other children.
Some of this "content curation tools" are:
Icons from their websites

These "content curation tools" have many advantages for teachers, some of them are:
  • they are a useful bank of resources, most of them very reliable;
  • they save us time because we know that sometimes we have to find something quick because we have to prepare many lessons;
  • they offer us many points of view, that means, many resources about one topic. Because of this, we can realise about a point we didn't consider before;
  • they offer parents many resources to work at home with their kids;
  • and so on.
And I want to share with you my Pinterest profile. In my profile you can find, for example, some resources I used on my CLIL lesson about photosynthesis. I recommend you to check this out.

I prefer to use Pinterest because is very intuitive. Also, it is very popular, so many people post their blogs on this application. I started using it for saving ideas about recipes, or arts and crafts, not only education resources.
It has many advantages like there are lots of "pins" about everything, but the main disadvantage I can find is that I can't save the image itself. I mean, I can save it in any of my boards, but if I need to use a picture, I have to go to the website of the pin and try to download, because not always is possible to download the original picture. So sometimes I have to make screenshots and if I need to print it (e.g. a template) it is printed in low quality. 
Nonetheless, I will keep using it, because for my daily class is very useful, and it helps me to create new content based on that.
I hope you find this very interesting because I have learnt a lot writing this post and I am very enthusiastic about sharing with you this new information.
If you want to know or amplify some information, feel free to comment on this post, good answers are always welcome!
See you soon!
